
Bloggy Shout Outs

I've been giving my blog some TLC over the past week, and I wanted to do a quick post to mention some of the awesome sites I've used to update the design and features on my page. It still has a long way to go before my blog is super savvy, but I like learning as I go and doing it myself, so it's a process. But be on the lookout for future sassiness!

(Side note: if you ever catch any typos, grammar no-nos, broken links, or misbehaving widgets, please don't hesitate to email me and let me know!)

The Background Fairy - In the past I have used a few different sites for backgrounds (including Shabby Blogs and The Cutest Blog on the Block), but I really love the clean vintage designs Ms. Karen has created. I discovered her site while researching tips for creating my own header; her tutorial was clear and simple, and I ended up using one of her heading images (loved the linen look) as well as the image editing site she recommended. (See next shout out.)

Picnik - My experience with editing images generally involves Microsoft Paint (I know, I know...), so I was elated to find this site. Very simple to use (especially with the tutorial I mentioned above), free, no registration necessary, and allowed me to quickly create my new header.

Disqus - It makes my comments look pretty and organized. I do so love organized things.

HitWebCounter - Provided the code for my visitor counter (in the sidebar). While they don't have a bazillion options to chose from, they have plenty of nice designs and the code is free and easy to get. (No need for another registration for bloggy toys.)

LinkWithin - This lovely widget shows related posts after each entry, which is a great way to rediscover older content (and perhaps have a giggle at how my writing voice has fluctuated over time). I don't know how these contraptions do it, but I also find it really interesting to see what posts it considers "related." Easily humored, I am.

AddThis - User-friendly widget for content sharing and analytics. The visual is simple and clean, and it works. Can't ask for much more.

I am so appreciative of all the wonderful free resources available for DIY bloggers, especially those who provide creative design code to fellow writers. While I'm sure I'll continue to tweak the look of my blog, my priority will continue be content.

What are some of your favorite blogging sites, widgets, add-ons, etc.?


  1. Thank you! Aw, don't be sad face. I happened to have the time to spend tweaking my blog, which is definitely not something I do often. Your layout is

  2. Loving the new layout. Maybe it's time to update mine :-(
