

Since M was hard at work on set all weekend, I mustered up the gumption (whoa, that is legit Southern speak right there) to get back to work on the house and start knocking out some of those "little" projects that can end up looming for-e-ver (i.e. painting the trim in every.single.room, cleaning the dingy grout between the kitchen floor tiles, etc.). Now that the house is (mostly) clean and has some semblance of order until we acquire the proper furniture and whatnot to formally put everything in its place, I can get back to planning our wedding, which is just shy of eleven weeks away. (In some ways, that feels like forever far away; in other ways, DUDE!)

Some major elements have fallen into place and we finally have the big stuff nailed down (well, the "big stuff" to us: photographer and food), which allows me to focus on the details. This is the fun part, y'all: putting all of our personal touches on aspects of the Big Day and just knowing that they are going to be memorable and special to those in attendance, especially to M and I. I can already envision the pics and just can't wait to be in the moment, taking it all in and grinning like a fool (in between heffalump fits of tears and laughter).

I'm trying not to share too much so that our guests can enjoy the evening without expectation, but here's one of my favorite details that I had to share with y'all...

Glitter TOMS and tutus for the flowergirls

Sass-a-frass. I fully admit: I'm pretty much playing dress up with our flowergirls. But they're silly cute, so I feel it's sort of their fault for being precious. What's a gal to do, right?

I can't wait to share pics of our house and of our wedding day when the time comes, but more than anything, I can't wait to be married to my best friend and experience our house becoming a home by waking up to his handsome face every morning. It's still hard to believe that this is all happening. A blessed little girl, I am indeed. 


  1. sweet! wish you a very happy life ahead..........we all love "happily ever after" stories ... :)

    1. Thank you so much! It does feel like I'm in the midst of one of THOSE stories. ;)

  2. dude, if I had flowergirls, they would wear these too. sooooo sweet.

    1. I can't wait to see them wearing 'em. They might steal my thunder a lil bit, but I condone it.

  3. I am so happy and excited for you! Being married to your best friend
    Is the best adventure.

    1. Thank you, Jen! I can hardly wait. I understand now why people have super quick engagements and/or elope. Haha. So ready!!

  4. hey natalie! i am so excited for you. the time is definitely getting near. i can't wait to see your pics. you've prepared well! those toms are just too stinkin' cute! hahahaha love the sparkle. i didn't know they made those! you always get the most amazing things. your comment gave me an idea to snap quick things off the computer. LOL the possibilities are endless. it's great to communicate with you again. ((hug))

  5. yay! both of our weddings are getting so close - i got an email today that mine is nearing the under-fifty-days-away mark, which makes me feel a little bit crazy! i love the glittery toms for the flower girls - that's going to be precious. good job on getting the house clean - i need to do that!

    - lauren

  6. This made me smile so much. I love all the thought and attention to detail that goes into a wedding. I have no doubt you will have a beautiful, love-filled day! Can't wait to see the photos. :)

    PS - thanks for your sweet comment on my revelation this week. It's nice to hear from a bride-to-be that the things I focus on are things you would find important as well.
