
It's official...

I'm a Mrs.!!

Now that we are back to work and all the festivities have come and gone, we are excited to settle into our life together and get caught up on all the things that have taken a backseat during the last few months. This season seems to have made us a bit selfish, I confess, but I'm looking forward to sharing with y'all some of the awesome blessings that we've experienced. God has been so, so good to us! And knowing that our first holiday season as a married couple kicks off in a mere week is too sweet for words.

I promise to share more images from the wedding as they become available, and will try not to skip any of the details. (We bloggers are quite detail-oriented as a people, after all.) In the meantime, here's my bridal portrait, captured by my very talented bro-in-law Ron, taken at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens.

Much love,
Mrs. G


  1. Welcome back and a Big Congratulations! xoxo

  2. ahhhh CONGRATS!!! You looked so so beautiful! I can't wait to see more pictures!

  3. Gorgeous! Congratulations! I can't wait to see more pictures and read about the details.

  4. Super Congratulations Natalie Gonzalez! You look beautiful. I love your dress! Exquisite!

  5. Such a beautiful dress...a dream.*_*
    Maybe follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and GFC???
    My Blog

  6. Congrats! You look beautiful! I just got married at the end of September and posted a couple pics too :)

  7. Congratulations!! You are an absolutely stunning bride!
