
The First Step is Admitting that You Have a Problem

I have a problem.

Well, I don't really think it's a problem.

Which is, perhaps, a problem.

It is a well known fact that I love skin care and cosmetics. I have been working in the aesthetic industry for about four years now, but my interest was piqued long before then. Now please be assured I am all about moderation (previous post notwithstanding), and I am not going into hock in the name of physical beauty (well, not often at least). Also, I don't poo-poo others for their lack of involvement in this high-maintenance and slightly deranged world. (I don't, however, excuse anyone for looking like a hot mess--unless it's me on my day off.)

However, someone has, in the past, taken it upon herself to point out how superficial she wasn't because, unlike your endearing author, she is "100% plastic surgery free." This little "dig" would only be a dig if I went out of my way to deny and/or hide the fact that I've had work done. But I don't.

In fact, I will now share with you, dear readers, the full spectrum of my cosmetic history. Why, pray tell? Because (a) I have no qualms about what I've done, (b) my business (as an actress) involves looking presentable and taking care of my skin, teeth, hair, etc. 24/7, and (c) bottom line: it's my life, dammit. I am spending my money, taking care of myself.

This blog is not intended to pressure anyone to become more concerned with how they look, nor should it make anyone feel bad about who they are or what they do. I am well-versed in this industry and make responsible, informed decisions, so I can only hope my candidness will inspire others to make equally thoughtful decisions, especially when it comes to voluntary aesthetic procedures.

So, in no particular order, I present my laundry list of cosmetic procedures/services:

~Deep conditioning treatments (in-salon)
~Professional cut, style, and color (pretty standard, really)
~Japanese Straightening System

~Traditional braces
~Invisalign **2nd consultation completed today. Adios, giant buck teeth!**
~Countless bleaching trays and product

~Manis and pedis
~Artificial nails

~Lasik vision correction
~Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty (including one in-office revision/rasping)

~IPL/Photofacials (face and chest)
~Chemical peels **Peeling like a banshee as I write this. Thank you, Vitalize Peel!**
~Photo Dynamic Therapy
~Botox Cosmetic (glabella, forehead, crow's feet)
~Soft tissue fillers: Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm (lips, cheeks, nasolabial folds, under eyes)
~Medical Microdermabrasion

~Airbrush/spray tanning
~Laser hair removal
~Mole removal

Disclaimer: If you're doing the math, you're likely judging your ass off at the "cha-ching!" noises accompanying each service. However, Judgy McJudgerson, please keep in mind that I have worked for either plastic surgeons, dermatologists, or medical spas for most of my adult life, which means I received most of these services for a fraction of the cost to the general public...if not free. I hope that puts a little perspective on all this, for I would have probably passed on half of them had I been required to pay full price or even cost.

Disclaimer #2: This list does not even begin to touch the products overflowing from my medicine cabinet. This collection is, admittedly, a bit out of control.

Disclaimer #3: This list, though complete, does not reflect my current, full-time beauty regimen. Obviously if you've seen me lately there is no tan to be found, and the heavily wrinkled forehead speaks for itself.

So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed Show and Tell today, kids. Now Mama is going to go relax after her one-hour full body massage and try to keep her mug out of the homemade queso.


  1. Ideally I'd like to do Invisalign one day.. I had traditional braces, but my teeth have 'moved' a little back. Not to the original positions, but enough where's its not exactly straight anymore. You'll have to tell me about Lasik too (something I probably won't ever get done due to my eye phobia).


  2. Ok, you said the first step is admitting your problem...so, here I go: Hi, my name is Charis, & I am addicted to chapstick, LoL! No, but for real, I have like 4 tubes in my purse, 3 tubes in my bathroom drawers, & one for work & the car, it's CRAZY! And specifically, I LOVE LipSmackers. In less than an hour, I will apply at least 15x, yes it's that bad...LoL! Ok...I feel SO much better =)

  3. You should get your feet esscraped. (mexican accent on the scraped)
