
Christmas Spoils

To say that I am blessed is an understatement. I am positively spoiled. The sheer volume of gifts, on top of the thoughtfulness with which each item was selected, was nearly overwhelming. In the sound words of Wayne and Garth: "[I'm] not worthy!"

Cuddled up at work with a few of my gifts.
Anthro scarf & Natalya's Studio cozy

A sample from this year's collection o' lovely gifts: J. Crew Majesty peacoat, proper pajamas, Hello Kitty slippers and ornament, food processor(s), gorgeous graphite date book featured here, Sur La Table measuring cups and spoons, bamboo cutting board, I Love Your Style, cozy scarves, framed photos of me and my honey, and a stash of my fave candies (Red Vines, Heath bar, Almond Roca, Mounds) to last me months! See? Spoiled.

Fabulous gifts aside, this Christmas was wonderful for many reasons...
~It was my first with M; truly a holiday to remember.
~My dear Mamaw had a scare on Christmas Eve but recovered completely to join us for Christmas lunch.
~My brother was able to fly in from Cali.
~I was blessed with some absolutely fantastic moments with the kiddos.
~And most importantly, every celebration began with prayer, thanking God for the gift of His son, that we may have life because of Christ. A family rooted in faith is an immeasurable gift.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend of celebration and love, and that it continues into this week and the new year. We truly have so much to celebrate, every day. Enjoy the time of rest, for those of you cuddled up and disconnecting for a few more days.


  1. Beautiful memories Natalie! Glad you were treated as nicely as you treat others all year round. Xo
