
Christmas Blessings

Though the time has slipped away from me a bit this year, and I don't feel like I got to do everything I had hoped for this season, I am so incredibly thankful for all the memories I have made in the past months. God has blessed my life with the most wonderful, loving, giving people, and I don't take a second of their time or an ounce of their grace for granted. This includes many of you lovely bloggers! Y'all enrich my days, inspire my daydreams, and encourage me as true friends.

Keeping with this week's Christmas Traditions Series, I will share a few of my favorite Christmas customs:

Decorating the Christmas tree can be a pain in the rear, no doubt. But my mom, brother and I tried our best over the years to make it a special occassion. We put on some holiday tunes, poured ourselves an ice cold Coke, warmed up some queso (we classy, y'all), and engaged in playful banter as we assembled the many limbs of our giant tree and struggled to get the lights perfectly distributed. (Watching 3 slightly OCD folks trying to string lights is a sight, let me tell you.) The shenanigans are part of what makes this event so memorable, and the ornaments themselves embody many fond memories and silly inside jokes. (Bobby Digital snowman is one of my faves. Love you, Brov.) Mom's memorial ornament hangs front and center of all of the family's trees, and her love and laughter are still felt year after year. 

Though the best holiday moments are spent surrounded by family, I also cherish the quiet times, snuggled up on the couch in a big blankie, watching Christmas movies with my mister, and hearing the fire crackle in the background. I relish that moment when I look around and just sigh, knowing how blessed I am to experience such warmth and joy. My home is truly a retreat for me, and seeing it lit up and decorated with lights and bows is like walking in to a big hug every evening.

Christmas 2011

Christmas Eve is one of my favorite evenings of the whole year. Not because of the promise of presents the next morning. (Though, trust, my family never lets us down on the present front. They spoil us rotten, naughty little elves!) It is one of the few, treasured days of the year when the whole family gets together, brings delicious appetizers and snacks to our spread, catches up and exchanges gifts. (We draw names now that our family tree has expanded its limbs. I'm so thankful for this generation of kiddos who have breathed new life into our celebrations. And they have bouncy houses at their birthdays. Holla!) We have really pulled each other close (even closer than before) to fill the gap in our hearts, and I could not ask for a more fantastic group of people to proudly call my family.

I pray that you and your family enjoy the weekend ahead and remember all the blessings given to us all. We are loved by the ultimate Father and fortunate beyond measure, wherever life finds you this year. Hold each other close and bask in the love of the season.

Merry Christmas, my dear readers!

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