
Road Trip!

M and I are trekking down to Austin tomorrow and I am positively giddy about it! I have not (to my own shock and confusion) been back to ATX since I moved away in July. I have since been jonesing for the likes of Sugar Mama's cupcakes, Bouldin's Veggie Royale, Mandola's ravioli, 24 Diner's veggie hash & coffee...I could go on for days, really.

As if the eats aren't reason enough to do a happy dance (not to mention road tripping with my honey and staying on the lake), we are going to see The Civil Wars tomorrow night!! Mr. and Mrs. Biscuit are going to join us, and I just know that this weekend is going to be awesomesauce.

I can't believe I haven't packed yet!! (Stop laughing. I seriously pack about a week before any sort of trip; including one for which you could feasibly throw everything into the backseat and just wing it. But I don't wing.) To that end, here is what I'm thinking for the show...

My outfit will be kind similar, minus some of these fantastic accessories (that I tragically don't own). I contemplated a dress, but figured I'd likely get pouty that I'm not wearing one as fabulous as Joy's, and that's just no fun for anyone. And (surprise, surprise) I'll be carrying a much bigger purse. (I mean, what if I need to write down an appointment in my agenda between sets or take some antacid in the midst of chair dancing to "Barton Hollow"?!) (Aaaand, this is where Mr. and Mrs. Biscuit wish they had purchased seats away from your crazy author.)

Happy trails, y'all!


  1. Ut Oh you hit your 30's and suddenly start blogging about antacid....welcome to my life. Have fun doll...

  2. I am so jealous! I want to take a road trip to Austin to see The Civil Wars. Have so much fun! I love your outfit selection by the way. Please sing your heart out to my favorite song, "Dance me to the End of Love" and think of me. XO.

  3. That's my favorite too! I'll sing extra loudly for ya, girl! Xo

  4. you are the best. :)

  5. Woot! Sounds like you're going to have a fabulous time :) You'll definitely be dressed fabulously! Thank you so much for visiting and folllowing my blog, I really appreciate it <3 Following your cute little space on bloglovin'

  6. Thanks, girl! So excited to have found your blog and have you as a reader! It's a good week. :)

  7. hahaha....you're like me. To me, a good trip is when I've had plenty of good food. Shopping and sightseeing are both secondary activities :P

  8. Sounds like fun! I love traveling and like you, I pack well ahead. Looks like a fabulous outfit you picked out for the show! Have a blast :)

  9. Exactly! Haha. We stuffed ourselves right good. ;p

  10. Thank you! We had such a great trip. Nice to know I'm not the only early packer. It makes for far less stress when leaving town, in my opinion. :)
