
My Hit List

Today I have the absolute pleasure of sharing my Hit List over at Do I Even Like This? A & E asked me to share some of the lovelies that are on my radar (in the same vein as my Friday, I'm in Love posts) as part of their Blogger's Hit List series. These gals update their own Hit Lists (viewable on the sidebars of their blog) quite frequently, and I love peeping their selections. (These gals have great taste, let me tell you!)

Check it out and let me know what would be on your Hit List!


  1. Everything about you, your writing, and your picks makes me smile. I am so lucky to know you!

  2. Awesome list! I am in love with that cocktail ring, btw. :)

  3. Aw, April, you're the sweetest. I am so lucky to know YOU! Can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend!

  4. Thanks, Steph! Isn't it pretty? I love it, too. Fossil is a very dangerous store for me. Haha.

  5. ah!! I'm totally with you on the hit list. I'm over over-accesorizing and I love that dress from asos. Good taste lady.

  6. Excellent post Natalie! I love those J. Crew flats :)

