
Fall Wishlist: Skirts

Prior to being with M, I didn't often wear skirts or dresses. I thought them fussy, likely because the rare occasion on which I would pull out one of my archived numbers was a bit fussy in and of itself, and I wouldn't be escaping the event without sore feet (a la high heels) and those awkward lines that remain on your abdomen after you've worn a strapless bra for several hours. (Y'all know what I'm talking about.)

Chalk it up to love or slowly coming into my own, but I am now a skirt/dress-wearing fool! While the right shoes and undergarments definitely help overcome the annoyance of dressing up, so too does the atmospheric change that seems to come when dressing like a lady. People open doors, you mind your posture, and I can't help but feel giddy when I notice hubs checking out my legs. (He still has love goggles going strong, so these pasty, bruise-laden gams actually do something for him. God bless 'em.)

Summer is a natural season for embracing the ease of skirts, but I absolutely cannot wait to keep this trend going into the fall. Here is a roundup of some of my favorite shapes and textures for fall.

What is your favorite way to style a skirt? Do you prefer pants or skirts during the autumn months? 

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