
Blogger Home Decor for Dummies

If you've spent any time perusing the homes of interior design, style, or lifestyle bloggers, you've probably noticed some fairly consistent elements. Those lovely little pieces that show up, nestled in a perfectly styled vignette somewhere. And if you're anything like me, you can't help but smile when you see them. It's like a calling card. You know you are looking at the home of someone who is inspired by many of the same blogs and Pins that set your designer-in-her-own-mind's heart aflutter. I like to think of it as a subtle nod, a secret handshake that our husbands/boyfriends/roommates/furry babies may never understand, but that we recognize as a staple of chic home decor.

Below are some of the items that I most often see popping up across the  blogosphere. In full disclosure, I have brought a few of these items home. I, too, am a blogger, after all. (I can still call myself that if it's been a month since my last post, right?)

The Diptyque Baies Candle
 The Sunburst Mirror

 The Moroccan Shag Rug

 The San Pellegrino Bottles

 Gold, Gold and More Gold
The For Like Ever Print
The Sheepskin-Rug-Chair-Drape (And Gold)
These Books
The Deer Head (And More Gold)
The Chalkboard Wall
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So when in doubt, grab any one of these items (or all, you know you want to) to zshush up your home, and know that you're in good company.
What home decor elements scream "A Blogger Lives Here" to you? Have you incorporated any of these items into your humble abode?

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