
Calligraphy Class and Unexpected Joy

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending a Beginner Calligraphy Class from the lovely Lauren over at Blue Eye Brown Eye. (She is silly talented and about as adorable as they come. Promise, you will develop a massive girl crush.) I was really, really looking forward to the class because calligraphy is a craft that I'd love hone for personal correspondence and decor, for maybe a small side business some day, and for a creative outlet in general. And after my experience on Wednesday night, I could totally see this becoming like therapy for me: practicing my ascending and descending lines, developing my own style, and relishing the process of creating beautiful typography.

Sweet swag from my class at Blue Eye Brown Eye

The class itself was even better than I expected (fabulous space, sweet treats, fragrant candle burning while timeless tunes crooned in the background...), but what I didn't count on in the slightest were the other gals who joined me. I was honestly a little nervous, figuring that I'd be surrounded by picture-perfect creatives who were far too cool to converse with me. (First day of high school flash backs were dancing around in my crazy little head.) What I found were, in fact, beautiful, talented, creative ladies, but it was one of the sweetest groups I have encountered in a long time. Everyone had their own unique story and style, and they were so quick to share their hearts, speak lovingly of their families, and encourage each other with compliments on their neighbor's Os and Fs. To see a group of strangers (especially women) so quickly bond and drop down walls was incredible. (This ain't high school anymore, Toto.) I felt so stirred by the evening, and couldn't wait to get home with my arm-full of new supplies to show my beloved what I had learned.

I'm looking forward to spending the chilly weekend ahead sipping coffee and working on my strokes while my hard-workin' honey is tied up on a film shoot. Perhaps I'll even venture out and pick up some gouache to get my color on. Look out, this girl is wild!

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