
Registry Favorites for the Kitchen

When M and I registered for our wedding a few years ago, we had to seriously rein it in on the kitchen gadgets and accessories. We both really enjoy cooking, yet we had a hard time imagining all the items we'd need long-term, but would likely never purchase for ourselves (which, is pretty much the definition of a registry). So we tried to strike a happy medium between uber practical and swoon-worthy lust items.

Having used every single item purchased by our sweet wedding guests within six months of marriage, we were quite pleased with our registry choices. We also felt accomplished for bringing everything out to play, especially some of the fancier goods, like our china (pictured in our tablescape to the left here) and the heavier serviceware. We didn't want to treat anything as "too special," relegating beautiful items to a lifetime tucked away in the dark (though we obviously take care to ensure that guests aren't afraid to actually use said items...which I equate to how I feel about putting out white guest towels, but that's for another post.).

So I wanted to share some of my favorite, must-have kitchen items from our registries (as well as their respective price points for reference), that have stood the test of time and continue to be in regular rotation in our home...

Acacia Salad Bowl and Serving Hands ($50 and $13) - I probably use this set at least once a week...twice, if I really think about it. It's so pretty and lightweight, which if you've ever had to schlep a heavy-as-bricks salad bowl, you hear me on that one. I wasn't sure how a natural material would last with that much use, but it still looks great.

NutriBullet ($100) - This is one of those items that M really wanted, but we both have enjoyed using this handy gadget to make smoothies and other healthy beverages (as well as assisting with other dishes here and there that don't warrant pulling out the big ol' blender). M's Mom & Dad also let us borrow their copy of the NutriBullet Healing Foods Book, which gave us some awesome new ideas when I burned myself out on my beloved soy milk-spinach-almond-strawberry-blueberry concoction. 

Sur La Table Blanc Rectangular Serving Platter ($6-$13) - This item probably seems really simple (and it is relatively inexpensive, which I've found is good practice: to pepper your registry with all price points, especially if you're having multiple showers before the wedding), but I don't go a week without using these sleek platters. I registered for two, but could easily make use of three or four. Bonus: they're dishwasher safe. Even a simple weeknight meal looks like something special served on these platters.

Luna Serving Set (via Pottery Barn)
PB Luna Serving Set ($45) - These match the flatware we picked out to match our china (Waterford's Padova), so this service set was an obvious choice. But given we entertain on an almost-weekly basis, they make an appearance as often. They're lovely and perfectly sized, and I just love the weight of them. Elegant enough to feature on a lavish tablescape, yet equally appropriate for noshing around the coffee table with family and friends.

Breville Smart Oven ($250) - So this was an item we almost didn't include on our registry because of the price, but we knew our kitchen needed this. We use this oven daily, be it to toast, bake, reheat, or broil, and especially on these triple-digit days in the Texas summer, I can't imagine not having this puppy to save us from heating up the whole house with the big oven or sweating like a banshee in front of the grill. 

Reidel Decanter ($50) - Confession: I use this beautiful crystal decanter equally as often as a vase as I do a decanter. (To our wine-drinking guests: I swear, I wash it really, really well!) I think that nothing elevates a delightful pairing like taking the time to properly decant a good bottle of wine and letting it come to room temp (we store our reds in a wine fridge).

Breville YouBrew Coffee Maker ($250) - (OK, I promise, this post wasn't sponsored by Breville, but they make some quality stuff, y'all.) We are quite picky when it comes to our coffee gadgets, and this was a big item for us. (Again, almost didn't include it on the registry, but I about did a backflip in my ladylike lace dress when I opened this package.) It's awesome...built-in burr grinder, single cup and carafe brew settings, pre-infusion, and can be programmed to auto-start. Haven't regretted this selection one day in the past (almost) two years.

Now it's your turn... What are your favorite registry items, or simply your splurge purchases for the kitchen/dining room that you can't imagine being without?

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