
This Little Girl has some news...

Things have been a bit quiet around here lately, which I'd ordinarily chalk up to being super busy, but we've actually been in an odd season of a lot of junk (i.e. stressful, unexpected stuff) and laying low in response. We're seeing lights at the end of tunnel, for sure, but it's been a surprisingly peaceful time despite circumstances. I can't complain, really (though I think I have).

An exciting development over the last few months, however, has been the news that a new member of our little family is coming to join us soon...

Is anyone really surprised we used Scrappy to spill the beans?

That's right: I'm preggers! I wish I could tell you that is was a blessed surprise and that we never once doubted our Good Lord, but that would be a fib. You see, I had just the month prior decided unilaterally (with zero evidence or good sense) that I was barren. I declared, "No kiddos for Natty!" I sobbed, and I pined, and I prayed...mostly whined. Then we actually tried one month (i.e. payed attention to my cycle and all that jazz), and I got knocked up. What a dummy. 

Please note: I am not trying to be insensitive to those who are actually struggling to have kiddos. I can laugh at myself now, looking back at how ridiculous I was behaving, but the feelings were very real. 34-years-old suddenly felt like the end of time, and I was still struggling to get my cat to like me. So I am not mocking anyone or anything related to the yet-unmet desire to have little ones. I am absolutely mocking myself for letting my faith be shaken so very quickly, despite knowing that God is always good. I truly believe it was a journey hissy fit that needed to take place before Little Nugget came along, and it unearthed all kinds of doubts and fears that I needed to lay straight before The Lord's feet. I'm thankful for it. Now.

So, I won't promise that my posts moving forward won't include a bunch of baby chatter and whatnot (in fact, I already have plans to share my favorite pregnancy crap thus far), but I also hope that y'all can continue to share with me my day-by-day learning to trust and rejoice in Christ. Marriage has been such an amazing, refining gift, and I just know that Little Nugget will be another amazing way for me to experience joy.

And learn to ask for help. 


  1. Congratulations!!! So exciting. You're going to be an amazing mom! Can't wait to follow along :)

    1. Thank you, Tiara! And you best believe, I have poured over your pregnancy and baby posts as we start to prepare. You've been so helpful already, and I'm excited to share our own journey along the way. :D

  2. this is such awesome news. we also "tried" for several months ... but didn't pay attention to my cycle. once we did it only took two months of trying and praise Jesus! I think once you get into late 20s and 30s society makes you question so much as a woman and I don't think that you were questioning your faith but preparing your heart for the worst. I always say "pray for the best but prepare for the worst." that way the blessings feel like their worth!

    1. Oh my gosh, you're so right, Lisa. I was bracing for the worst on so many things, but once we got that positive, I really had to work on trusting in His goodness and letting myself be excited. (I was almost instantly convinced that it wouldn't "take," and I was totally missing the joy and gift of life...regardless how it turned out.) Excited about your little man, too! :)
