
Friday, I'm in Love, v.6

It's Friday and I'm in love with...


Candles are an indulgence that I often talk myself out of because I don't need them. But I recently splurged and bought a wood wick candle that subtly crackles when it's lit. I must say, it's just not home without that baby going. (Target sells a brand called Nature's Wick. I insist you pick one up in the Bonfire Nights scent. It's wonderful!) 


I wouldn't call if baby fever, per se. But M's sister welcomed a daughter into the world last week, and holding that precious little lady in my arms just made me melt. I couldn't stop staring at her, which just isn't polite. That sweet baby scent and feeling those itty bitty hands wrapped around mine...so good for the soul.


Fruit is a special kind of wonderful in general. Apples, in particular, are like nature's treat. They're portable, sweet, crunchy and pretty to boot! I generally have at least two in my drawer at work for afternoon snack time. Nom!


I'm not a big necklace person, but I've been wearing my long bronze skeleton key necklace nearly every day this week. Draped over a turtleneck, peeking out from underneath a scarf, or cozy among a cardigan, this accessory is perfect for fall and seems to work with whatever metals I am wearing elsewhere.

Speaking of awesome neck wear, have you entered my giveaway? 'Cause you should.

Happy Friday, y'all! Thank you for all the love and support.


  1. Hey Natalie! I love candles in the Fall. I find they're getting more and more expensive each year. LOL I love apples too. Lately, I've been getting a bag and juicing mine. I love dark brown apple juice. Hope you're having a great day. :)

  2. I agree, they are getting more expensive! All these fancy retailers with their lovely candles are jacking up the prices. But who am I kidding, I can't get enough of them! ;)
