
On Holiday Treats and My Total Lack of Willpower

My wonderful co-workers have ensured that no one in this here office will go hungry this season. Every time I walk into our break room, there is a new platter of homemade lovelies just waiting to be nommed. The guys and gals alike are contributing to the abundance of snacks, and seeing all the different traditions and twists on holiday fare is a neat way to engage your workmates.


The near-constant barrage of cookies, candies and tasty baked goods is very, very dangerous for this little piggy. My personal favorites are toffee anything (I would lick my monitor if I thought there was even the slightest chance that the screen would taste like these buttery bits of heaven pictured above) and Chex Mix. (It's pretty tough to beat my Mamaw's Chex Mix, but salty snacks in general are all right by me and I can do some damage regardless.)

I'm still trying to decide what I'd like to contribute to the feast. I thought about whipping up some of the holiday pretzel treats I mentioned the other day, but M made a batch of Rice Krispie Treats over the weekend using whole wheat (and gluten-free) Rice Krispies that were pretty darn amazing. So many yummy options to choose from!

What Christmas treats are you making this year? Any favorite holiday snacks?


  1. my assistant brought pumpkin whoopie pies to work today. those babies were so delicious!!

  2. Toffee is just the best! So yum!

  3. Agreed! I want some right now. That's a breakfast food, no? ;)

  4. Oh wow! Your assistant sounds awesome...and dangerous. :)

  5. I love gingerbread. Cake especially with a dollop of cool whip! :D

  6. Natty, just wait til you try this yummy chocolate toffee-like concoction I've found and decided to name it Christmas Crack. You'll know why once you've tried it...however inappropriate. Please don't judge. ;)

  7. Oh, I judge nothing when it comes to toffee. Y'all can't judge me for the snorting noises I make when shoving said crack in my mouth!
