
{Inspired Thursday} Blog Aids

I cannot say enough about the incredible community of bloggers out there. It's so wonderful to know that there are dozens of folks who are willing to rally around and encourage me, for no other reason than they read my words and choose to care. And vice versa! I'm sure to some it seems strange when I refer to my bloggy buddies as "friends" considering I've yet to meet most of y'all in person (though I'm still trying to figure out the whole teleportation thing so we can have that garden party). But any other title just wouldn't do justice. (My next giveaway: friendship bracelets. Just kidding. Kinda.)


But today I've got to give a little love to the friends, family and/or significant others who support us bloggers "in real life." My heart just swells with happiness when I hear that a near and dear friend or family member reads my posts, or when M mentions something I've written. I so enjoy seeing the same sort of support on others' blogs, reading comments from loved ones who know the blogger in a different way and champion their words and perspectives.

My favorite? The husbands and boyfriends who take photos for their gal's blog, or help with design or some other aspect of the site. I am sure they are wondering what in tarnation their crazy ladies are up to when they're twirling about in a perfectly coordinating outfit in front of the house, or staging vignettes of cooking utensils and whole foods for recipe posts. But they humor us and contribute to something about which we are all clearly passionate, without full understanding or explanation. It's beautiful, really.

Whether blogging for us is a lifetime commitment to creating content or primarily a means of efficiently recording our day-to-day, it takes a lot to share one's thoughts and words with the interwebs. Regardless of goal or intent, it's a fortunate thing, indeed, to be blessed with friends who are in your corner and encourage your endeavors...IRL or otherwise.


  1. Natalie, this is such a sweet post girl. I so admire the guys that are supportive. One of my reader's boyfriends even makes guest appearances (through words) on her blog. We love when he gives his opinion on fashion. Families can be so supportive when blogging. They can see how much work goes into it. Thank God For Them!

  2. I definitely couldn't do this blogging malarky without the support of my friends and family - they're the best!
    Emma x

  3. I had to pay you a visit after reading Kim's post. You have the loveliest handwriting! I swear I'm not crazy, I'm just fascinated by penmanship. I really like the sentiment of this post. For me I feel like I'm blogging in a vacuum sometimes and it can be easy to forget those who support us to that end. We should be both thankful and appreciative.

  4. What a lovely post! I couldn't agree more...I'm so thankful for my husband who totes little Aiden around while I'm creating a photo set up of a baking mess! And when I find that he's commented on a post - it's so sweet and thoughtful. I also love a surprise note from my sisters or my mom. Like you, blogger friends are real friends in my eyes!

  5. I couldn't agree more! This post made me smile. I'm happy to have found your blog. Keep these wonderful posts coming! :)


  6. Amen! That's so neat that one of your reader's bf contributes his words. I love hearing what guys have to say. So interesting, huh? Thanks for the sweet comment, as always, Kim. :)

  7. Haha! Yeah, that support makes all the difference.

  8. Aw, thank you so much! I am obsessive about handwriting as well, so I take that as a huge compliment. :D And I agree: sometimes I feel very 'Is this thing on?' when the blogosphere is quiet and everyone is busy, but hearing from a friend or loved one puts things back into perspective. Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again!

  9. Exactly, Emily! Surprise comments from my aunts or best friends make me smile like a goon. :) So glad you've got a supportive hubby. I think that makes such a difference in our ability to share our hearts and create a lovely space for others here on the 'net.

  10. Thank you, Gigi! So happy to have you. :)
