
Friday Favorites, v.18

Ok, so technically this is v.1 of "Friday Favorites," but as it's a reincarnation of my "Friday, I'm in Love" series, I'm just going to pick up where I left off. The format and spirit are the same, but I don't want to loosely throw around being in love with anything (especially stuff). Thus, I present my Friday Favorites.


I adore flowers. I really do. I've long appreciated the rich fragrance of lilies, the feminine fullness of peonies and the special sentimentality of gardenias, but ranunculus in particular are making me especially happy as of late. They're so lovely. 


M and I broke in my new food processor the other day by making some homemade hummus. Um, yum, y'all. We used an Alton Brown recipe (sub. canned organic chickpeas), and while I can see us experimenting with different flavors and ingredients, I doubt I'll ever buy hummus from the store again. It's so easy and so delicious.


I blame the fashion-major roomie in college, but I am just smitten with fashion sketches. They capture creativity in such an elegant way. I've been on the lookout for a sketch to frame for my home. (Wishing I could afford one from Dallas Shaw.)


I want all things linen and I blame Pinterest. Especially when paired with a romantic element (like soft hues, ruffles, or lavender, above), the texture of linen anything is just fantastic. (Oh, hello, header...)

What are your favorites today?

P.S. Hello and welcome to my new followers! So glad to have you and thanks for reading!


  1. HerlatenightcravingsFriday, March 16, 2012

    Just love hummus! Could eat it everyday!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  2. I love fashion sketches and fresh flowers too! I get inspiration from editorials and colors I see in various things. So many favorite things.
