
{Friday's Fancies} April Showers

The transition to spring often brings a few rainstorms interspersed amongst the days of frolic in the sunshine, but I don't mind one bit. I'm a indoor girl at heart, and the rain suits me just fine. Especially when it gives you the excuse to carry a sassy umbrella, rock a classic trench, and strap on some heels. (I know high heels must seem counter-intuitive when the weather is bad, but for those of you who have faced a day in soaking wet flats, having submerged them in a deceptively deep puddle o' water, you know where I'm coming from.)

Umbrella // Bangle // Trench // Earrings
Shoes // Polish // Skinnies // Ring // Purse

Must. get. colored. skinnies. Well, that, and everything else in this collage. (Though I'm not willing to spend $350 on nail polish. Ever.) And I actually have those heels in my closet. They're fantabulous and I can nearly walk in them without looking like a giraffe.

Stay dry out there, y'all! Happy weekend.
Be sure to check out all the fabulous Friday's Fancies looks over at Long Distance Loving.


  1. Is that nail polish really $350?! If so, that. is. CRAZY! I love the trench coat and used it in my FF look as well! Have a great weekend :) xoxo, morgan

  2. I have to get some colored skinnies too. Great look!

  3. Ahh that purse!! I can believe its only $70!! and that's freaking insane...who would pay that much for a nail polish haha. Have a great weekend!

  4. That's a very chic outfit! I love short trenches.

  5. Very good post. I absolutely appreciate this website.
    Keep writing!
