
Things That Make Me Frolic

Spring is just lovely, don't you think? The beautiful weather here in the south right now makes me positively giddy. I can't help but smile thinking of all the sweet spring details. 

Flowers and trees bloom and revive from their barren winter state. True, blooms bring bees. And I hate bees. But I'll gladly brave the little buggers for this glorious sight.
Mmmmm...iced coffee. Really, all iced beverages are a special kind of yum during these breezy, sunny months. But you can't beat the light kick of a delicious icy roast.
'Tis the season of fabulous wedges, sandals, and showing off those pretty ankles. If my toes didn't curl up like an elf's, I'd be all over the pedi-baring peep-toes. Thankfully, there are still plenty of saucy shoes to chose from that don't expose my pixie toes.
Mmmmmm....gelato. This cool treat pairs well with a walk at dusk and a long chat on the porch into the evening, feet kicked up...and citronella candles ready for action. (I'm in Texas, after all. Skeeters love those pretty ankles, too.)
What has you jazzed for spring right now?

All images via Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. Natalie, I love gelato and sherbert. So light and delish!!! HaHa Also snowballs :) I love this time of year. It's awesome. Continue enjoying everything.
