
{Fridays Fancies} Long Weekend

Long weekends may be few and far between, but when they roll around, I can't help by happy dance and throw a little parade. Work can be so stressful, and I unfortunately let it get me down more than I should. But having extra days off to spend with my honey, nest a bit, sip coffee and catch up on R&R, it really is so revitalizing.

And yes, I realize I included a cardi despite the fact that it is still in the triple digits in Texas, but I don't plan on being outside except for some early morning gardening, so bring on the cuddly sweaters and the (mostly functioning) air conditioning. To those of you in breezy climates, soak it up for me, will ya!

Cardigan // Ring // OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark
Check out my Fancies from last Labor Day {here}! (How has that been a year?!) Funny to see that not much has changed; I can still chatter endlessly about coffee, cardigans, and kitties.


  1. this outfit is so right up my alley! i want to wear it right now. (:

  2. Great picks! That top is so cute!

  3. I love that sweater and ring. What a great outfit!

    Friday's Fancies

  4. Ooh I love that ring!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. I'm joining you on the long weekend parade! this is the perfect blend of cozy + cute :) happy to have you for Friday's Fancies! xoxo {av}
