
Calling All Winos and Coffee Lovers... {A Giveaway!} CLOSED

In celebration of my new domain, I wanted to pass along a little something to thank y'all for reading, sharing (your often heartwarming and hilarious comments), Tweeting, Pinning, etc. So today we kick off a fun little giveaway...

Biscotti Brothers Bakery Almond Biscotti

Forget what you think you know about the twice baked treats, these biscotti are hands down the best I've had. I wasn't even a big biscotti fan (though I would tackle a baby holding a kitten for a good donut), but the good folks at Espresso Zone slipped in a free sample in our case of espresso pods, and we were done for. Dipped in hot tea, iced coffee, cappuccino, french press, whatever your brew of choice, these crispy delights maintain their crunch while absorbing just enough flavor to make your mouth go absolutely bananas. The almond flavor is my personal favorite, and my contact at EZ.com said they even like their biscotti paired with red wine. Whaaaaat.

The details:

Two (2) Use Your Words, Little Girl readers will receive their very own box of Almond Biscotti.*
The winners will be chosen at random and announced on Monday, September 16th. 
(Giveaway is open to US readers only.)
To enter:
Leave a separate comment below for each entry to let me know what you did, and be sure to include your email address so I can follow up with the winners!
Image shared courtesy of EspressoZone.com
*Please note: This giveaway is not sponsored by EspressoZone.com, though I thank them tremendously for their support and fantastic customer service! This is a "thank you," to you, from me.


  1. Hey y'all! Don't forget to leave a comment letting me know which of the above entries you completed. (Leave a separate comment for each action. For example, if you followed me on Twitter and on Pinterest, leave me two comments.) I won't be able to keep up with your entries otherwise. Good luck!!

  2. Hi Natalie :) I already follow your pins, so that was an easy entry!

  3. You're already on my Bloglovin' roll, too :)

  4. Aaaand I NOW follow you on Twitter as well :) Congrats on the new domain - exciting!

  5. 1st. Just discovered your blog! And follow on Twitter!
