
{Friday's Fancies} Summer to Fall Transition

OK, it's not like the leaves are turning and the brisk days of autumn have descended upon Texas just yet. (Hi, it's 99 degrees. Nor do either of those things really happen during the next few months around here.) But! It has fallen below triple digits, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes have returned, so let's not split hairs about it. I heart fall, and though it'd be less-than-advisable to bust out the scarves and tights just yet, the time is right for starting to think about transitioning my wardrobe. (Which, for me, is a literal transition, since I keep seasonal clothes in plastic bins under the bed to keep my closet neat. Nerd alert!)
Warm florals, like this cutie Mango dress, are perfect for layering with muted, neutral tones in great textures and a soft pop of color to make the move from sweating to sweaters. Ankle booties are a fantastic way to get your boot on without donning anything too heavy before the temps really head south. And all of these pieces will be equally as appropriate several months from now, with the simple addition of some subtly textured tights and a lightweight scarf.
And can we just take a moment for that bag? Michael Kors, you do lovely work.


  1. I LOVE that dress! I am a huge dress lover/wearer. I have been collecting them for about 6 months now. I guess it's the laziness in me... I have a dress sitting out right now to wear! HAHA!

    Thanks for the visit and comment :) I followed your blog and I LOVE it! Nice meeting you Natalie! It's always wonderful to find another Natalie out there!
